Sunday, April 22, 2007

GMA and encouragement

This weekend I attended the GMA (Gospel Music Association) Indie Impact day. I went there to hopefully make some network connections and perhaps find out what some of the support needs of artists were. I did meet some great people, but I'm not sure that what I went for ended up being what I got out of it all. Instead, I learned that I needed to remain true to my calling. I also learned after hearing Dez Dickerson say many of the things to artists that I wrote in my booklet many years ago that at least I am in line with the pros on some things. So, now I should get going on getting that digitally published. I asked a panel of artists, which included Russ Lee and Allison Durham Speer, how encouragement played a role in their journeys. Allison, in her response, encouraged me personally and I was so blown away.

I do know why I am here---I'm called to encourage artists. I'm just not sure in what form yet I will do that here in Nashville. But I'll tell you the great thing about it being that this weekend here I have met people whose work I've enjoyed or admired. The celebrity part of it isn't what it's about for me at all. The best thing is being able to personally tell these people "I love what you do."

Some people tend to focus on one person, or one artist. Sometimes you'll have one opportunity to encourage people and they're blessed. Other people you can lift up for a dozen years straight and they still won't believe you. I've wanted to be the "#1 fan" of someone but that desire put me in a dark and unhealthy place. So I am grateful for the call and opportunity to encourage several people at many different levels, meeting them right where they are.


Anonymous said...

Wendy V,

I have read your blog and kept up with you via your blog and your online presence though we really do not know each other.

I sense your heart and would like to talk with you. Please email (susan at if you might be interested in working on something together.


Kay the Encourager said...

Wendy V,

I enjoyed reading your blog on encouragement and wondered why you are interested in it...I have a website called and a blog called howtoencourage/ and I wondered if you would talk to me about them.
Thank you,
Kay the Encourager