Saturday, March 11, 2006

What else? My turn...

(proper punctuation and typo free copy has been temporarily suspended for the next two weeks)

So I had just written an e-mail to someone saying I hoped brighter days were ahead. I was making supper and went to open a can of tuna fish--I eat solid white a lot because it's a quick and easy meal. I had it open three quarters of the way and then the hand opener quit. I must have given too much of a nudge and then YOW. Sliced my left thumb at the joint. Enough to know a couple of bandaids I put on weren't going to do it.

Reluctantly I called 911 to have paramedics look at it. I went down to meet them with their sirens and all with a towel over my finger. They took it off to take a look and said "wow--you've already got it bandaged." Uh, duh---isn't that what you should try to do? They packed it pretty heavily for me and asked if I wanted to go to the hospital or my urgent care clinic for stitches. I went with the urgent care clinic, since I live 5 mins. away and was just fine to drive, so long as I didn't have blood dripping down my arm.

I waited for about a half hour until the first nurse looked at my finger. It was 90 minutes until they took me in for stitching. There were quite a few people there who seemed worse off than I was and only two doctors on board. The good news was that the bleeding had stopped, so I could just chill by people watching or trying to get into whatever kids video was playing (a few sick children with fevers were there).

The worst part of this was the numbing shots they give you and you are well warned about that.I laid there and went "yowww" (trying to be funny, but seriously, it hurt), while gazing at a strategically placed poster of a beach with the word "breathe" on it. How do little kids with these accidents deal with the shots? I also got a tetanus shot while I was there since it had been a while. That was a piece of cake.

I have a total of 6 stitches in the finger. It is in an inconvenient place but lucky for me, it did not hit a tendon. I have to avoid using my left hand for 14 days so I don't pop the stitches (fortunately I am right handed)--a challenge for me, a computer tech and a very independent type. If anyone has any creative ways of doing daily things with one hand, let me know.

Yes, these stitches WILL be healed and outta here by April 1--or else. Thanks to all who offered prayer and concern. Keep it coming!

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