Saturday, December 27, 2008

Pot, Meet Kettle

That's a recent way I've heard this phrase. My mom always said, "Pot calling the kettle black." Anyhow, it describes one of my pet peeves. That's when someone calls you out for doing something wrong, or not doing something that was supposed to be done, and then they go and create the same offense themselves.

I talked about an example of this when I did my audiobook "Treasures In the Tip Jar" (which is available on CDBaby!). There were some interesting fan behaviors that people would criticize in blogs or message boards...then I'd observe the offenders doing the same things in concert settings.

I had one of these "pot, meet kettle" things happen this past week. I got ripped for supposedly neglecting to do something...and then the same person didn't do this when in a similar situation. My problem is I'm so dang nice and go to any lengths to avoid confrontation in minor things that I really should use that phrase more often toward such offenders...but I don't.

Instead, I'll just have the satisfaction of knowing that other people are just as imperfect as I am...and be kinder to myself. As we should all be to ourselves.

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

I am with you on this. I, too, get upset by people like that. ANd I, too, avoid confrontation because I am too nice. I love your ending realization - that we are all imperfect - it helps when walking the road of grace and forgiveness.