Wednesday, April 12, 2006

More notes on Nashville..

Wow, it's hard to believe it's been a week since the amazing heartwarming experience that was Mark Lowry's Senior Trip. So many of us are still thinking about it and talking about it.

Here's another trip story I wanted to share. Because the trip was for folks 50 and over, and I just turned 50 this past September, I thought I would be silly and go in the guise of a red hat lady the first day. I wore a red cowboy hat, purple attire and a purple and black lei sort of thing which read "over the hill" (a gift from my co-workers). I guess the hat was a hit. I got many requests and questions on "where's the hat?" when I didn't wear it the next day. Even Mark's dad missed the red hat. At the dance, when I wore it again with my blue sparkle top that I probably last wore 20 years ago, someone came up to me with a couple of dollars in hand and said "how much for the hat?". I had to tell him it was priceless.

Yes, I am going to Asheville in December. I'm not thrilled with flying out of here during that time, so I will have to recruit my prayer warriors for those weather mercies. I will probably have to make a few financial sacrifices here and there. But it's about the people. It also dawned on me that Mark will probably sing some songs from his Christmas album. So, CMA Fan Fair, guess you'll have to wait another year...

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