Saturday, August 09, 2008

Concert Trip Reports Updated

Due to my continuing (un)employment situation, I've had to make some cuts. One was to cancel my photo storage account which contained many pictures from my concerts (compared to other options, way too pricey, anyhow). That meant I had to go back and update many of my concert trip report pages and remove links to photos. Once I choose another home for pictures, I'll add a link in the main trip report page.

While I was at it, I made a couple of other updates to my very first Nashville trip report and my Dallas trip report. At the time I wrote those, I had to leave out a couple of details which, frankly, at the time would have caused some fan jealousy and drama had I left them in. But I think enough time has gone by and circumstances changed so I can now include those details.

It's been very interesting to look back on some of those reports and see just how much has changed since then. Obviously, some big life changes happened to me (can you guess which ones?). We also lost dear people and places since these trips happened. I am grateful that I was able to preserve some of those memories in a small way by writing those trip reports. Someone told me recently that my reports had a sense of sweetness and wonder about them. I think that's fairly accurate. I can see a bit of "wide-eyed-ness" in describing some of these events. Basically, though, I always strived to be as descriptive and positive (yet, honest) as possible when I wrote them.

If you've visited my trip report page before, take another walk down memory lane. If it's your first time, I hope you enjoy reading them.

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