Monday, March 19, 2007

The Remarkable Journey, Part 1

I'm now back in the Twin Cities after having gone to Nashville to sign my lease and set things up. It was an amazing few days. My apartment is beautiful and the grounds are heavenly looking. I am optimistic about the possibility of shedding a few pounds living there...a lot of walking opportunity with getting from place to place in the complex and to and from all the stores around there.

The other attraction was the two Mark Lowry concerts I went to. I thought I was just going to one in Jackson, TN, but the traveling troupe also decided on Decatur, AL the next evening. I almost passed on that one, thinking I had still a lot to do to set up my place, didn't have a ticket and it would have meant taking two cars. But my two angel friends worked it all out for me. Boy, I am glad they did. The second night was even better than the first. I'd have been devastated if I missed it.

A few observations:
- Actually, aside from the concert experience, in my ramblings about town, I found very few folks with southern accents. Just about all of those I spoke to said, "I moved here from ____(fill in the blank), and I'd never leave."
- There is some serious traffic in Nashville. I learned that I cannot make a left turn out of my complex during rush hour. I have to go right on the main drag, turn somewhere on the left side and turn around and go back right.
- From the TV shows, the billboards, to the conversations in coffeehouses, it is for me very much a Christian culture, which I find comforting and appealing.

I hope now I am more motivated to put the finishing touches on my packing. I can't wait to start my new life in Nashville.

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