Tuesday, December 22, 2009

When It's Done Right...

I watched most of the episodes of "The Sing Off" this past couple of weeks. There were some really talented groups competing. One of those was the Voices of Lee, who I have seen many times at Gaither Homecoming and Mark Lowry events, so I knew them to be amazing. Despite the fact they were out of their usual comfort zone and did some music on the show that was very different for them, they did a great job. I voted for them, but could have gone with any of the finalists. I enjoyed the humor and style of the Beezlebubs, but I sort of felt Nota had that thing going on and they would win...and I saw that it would have meant the most to them to win.

The finale was superb. One other standout was the judging...imagine--positive, encouraging, helpful, constructive criticism. And if you saw the last show, these judges really cared about these artists. Awesome job Ben, Nicole and Shawn.

This series was done first class all the way. I hope it returns. If you missed it, take a look here. American Idol, take a hint. You can do something besides being cruel and outrageous and have a success.

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

Sorry I am way behind on my blog reading. I totally agree with you about the SIng off (except I did not care for the "BUBS"). A very well done show and the VOL of sensational as always. THe judges were upbeat and caring. They seemed to know the contestants. I, too, voted for VOL but was not unhappy that NOTA won. They were great too.