Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Me and JACK

Yes, the rumors are true...there is a man in my life this week. His name is JACK.

I was picked for JACK-FM 96.3 Nashville's "Ordinary Listener of the Week". This is where they bring you into the studio and you read blurbs for events going on each day of the week, and do some station IDs. They also take a video of you while you're doing this because they know everyone's going to have bloopers. Mine was pretty funny, actually. I thought I was focusing so much on reading the copy that I didn't show enough flair for the camera. But if you see some of my expressions, I did get some mugging in.

They also told me that my session was one of the quickest they ever had because I nailed the reads pretty well overall. Maybe there's hope for my radio career yet.

Anyhow, here is the profile page for JACK-FM Ordinary Listener of the Week --this will be up only for one week. However, the video is for keeps on YouTube. Go ahead--laugh at me.

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