Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Me and MySpace..

If I weren't busy enough with my two websites and my new podcast, last week I also went and signed up on MySpace...again. This is my second time around with it. Last time I signed up was a few months ago, but that lasted only a couple of days. I kept having technical glitches--no matter how many times I logged in, every time I tried to do anything, it said "you must be logged in to do that!". So I blew it away in frustration. But with so many of my friends now getting on board, I thought I'd give it another go.

So far, it's been a lot of fun. It's a good way to get some publicity out about my websites and the "Ponder Cast". With so many artists also with "MySpace" pages, it's also a good one stop shop to keep up on tour dates, releases and such that your favorite artists have. And I must admit, it is a very fun concept to add famous folk to your page as "friends". There are those who think everybody's on for dating, even though my profile is fairly professional (gotta read it, folks), but I'm pretty selective about my friends here as in real life. I'm hoping to make a few music business or radio connections, especially in Nashville, since I'm out there so much.

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