Friday, August 18, 2006

Ernie and the guys come to town

Finally, after a general drought of Southern Gospel artists in this area outside of the annual Gaither Homecoming, we had Ernie Haase and Signature Sound do a show in Bloomington. As I commented on my blog, I can understand why these guys are the hottest SG act out there. They start their shows with a repeating video of trivia questions and amusing clips. Oh, and Bill Gaither kicked off the show. On video, that is, leading us in a singalong of Gaither and other classics. How clever!

Ernie and the group had it going on vocally, they were very entertaining, personality plus, dancing (I love the dancing. Let them call you the Temptations, guys, that's all right) and humor. I did note, however, they did "borrow" a bit from the Gaither Vocal Band that they aren't using anymore now that Mark is gone from the group. You'll have to see them to figure out what that is. But at the end, they sincerely and clearly explained why they were there and do what they share the good news of God's love.

In the aforementioned opening video, we were asked to shut off our cell phones ...unless we were ordering pizza for the guys. Well, someone must have done I was leaving, I saw a Pizza Hut delivery guy bringing pizza to their bus.

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